Thursday, 17 December 2009
Do you remember the time when you had to wait 2-3 days, even sometimes a week for a new love interest to call you? You know, the days before the mobile phone (which was in fact mobile and not attached to a battery pack!), email, facebook or twitter? There was that unspoken rule (usually amongst men I suspect) if you call the next day you’re too keen and then there were the girls who constantly checked to see if there was a fault with their landline – or was that just me?!!

I remember when I met my Geordie ex when I was in Uni (all of 1 month) in Newcastle back in 1996. We had met on a Friday night and it wasn’t until the Monday that he finally phoned me. The anticipation over the weekend of wondering whether he would phone or not was unbearable but the rush of excitement when I heard his voice on the other end of the line was worth it.

It’s all too easy to say “facebook me” or “I’ll send you a text”. I don’t know about you (and this may seem picky) but I have judged someone purely on their texting abilities, misspelt words, grammar or putting apostrophes in the wrong place. This can often sway me between a “yay” or a “nay” when it comes to a date and it’s not like I can afford to be choosey! I can sympathise with my friend Rapunzel ( all too often you can get into a text conversation which leads anywhere but going on a date.

However, I have to admit that upon going on a date I have many a time “googled” a prospective boyfriend. I feel that my excuse for this is that I have a child and I need to know whether my date has had criminal tendencies.

Unfortunately it was my familiarity and use of modern technology that contributed to my most recent relationship breaking down, well, that among other things (we'll revisit this another time). So what would happen to the dating world if we took away text, email and instant messaging. Would it give us a chance to get to know someone for who they really are rather than making an assumption from their drunken Facebook pictures or the fact that their status is a bit naff?

If I handed over my landline number to a handsome young man, would it discourage him or would it show that he was actually serious about going out on a date with me if he phoned and used his voice to converse? Would it make us work harder at relationships or would we all get bored waiting in for that phonecall, tweet about it and move on?



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Bird on a Wire
Imagine Carrie from Sex and the City morphed with Bridget Jones and a baby thrown in for added entertainment – that’s me, the ever optimistic romantic looking for my Mr Big but already with child! Read my blog from the beginning where I find out I am pregnant following a brief fling with my much older male colleague and fast forward to where I am now, stressed out working mum to my beautiful 10 year old daughter wondering if love really does in fact exist at first sight.
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