Saturday, 13 January 2001
Was it a man who invented the home pregnancy test? It must have been because no woman would put another woman through peeing on a stick at such an awkward angle i.e. sitting on a toilet seat, bending over to try and angle the "flow" correctly. Maybe I just didn't have the technique right because I'd managed to pee all over the fate wand. The little magic window that would tell me whether my days of partying would be over or not was now unrecognisable due to my mis-aim. Having waited for the recommended time I realised that I must have wrecked the fate wand and chucked it in the bin. It was when my friend came round later that night that I whipped the fate stick out of the bin to demonstrate how useful I was at even peeing that we both noticed the magic windows had worked. A quick trip later to the 24 hour supermarket to purchase the more upmarket of pregnancy tests confirmed my worst fears. I was 23 and pregnant to my 41 year old married work colleague.....



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Bird on a Wire
Imagine Carrie from Sex and the City morphed with Bridget Jones and a baby thrown in for added entertainment – that’s me, the ever optimistic romantic looking for my Mr Big but already with child! Read my blog from the beginning where I find out I am pregnant following a brief fling with my much older male colleague and fast forward to where I am now, stressed out working mum to my beautiful 10 year old daughter wondering if love really does in fact exist at first sight.
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